Thursday, January 26, 2012

It's Kind of a Funny Story: Reflecting

     I am currently sitting in my bed starring at this page not knowing what to write about my book. I'm feeling overwhelmed and I would much rather forget about this and current events, get a zero, and go to sleep. To be honest I almost did. While reading It's Kind of a Funny Story -even though it is about a boy who does give up- I realized he is exactly the opposite of what I want to happen to me. Craig falls off the edge, he comes to a point in life where he thinks he can no longer manage it. Now, I've had days where I've been so stressed and told myself that I can't handle getting the work done. I'm too tired and too stressed to deal with it. But after reading this book I realized i shouldn't do that.
     I think if you tell yourself you can get your work done and finish everything no matter what you think you can. You have to push through and deal with it. It's all a learning experience. I probably have done the same thing for weeks, waiting till the very last minute to get everything done. And just like every other thursday here I am and 11:30 writing a reading response and knowing I'll be up late finishing the rest of my homework telling myself I shouldn't have put it off till now. Everyone I know has these things they wish they could change in their life. Whether it's the person they've become, bad habits they have about school like me or life in general. Yet everyone seems to not be able to break them. They are our safety points as much as they seem to be the opposite. They are the things we feel comfortable doing, going back to them day after day, week after week, year after year.
     I know people say to learn from your mistakes and most of the time i do try to. But there are some things in life you can't let go of. They may be bad but everyone has one thing that's bad for them that they always keep with them. I guess the difference between me and Craig is that he didn't try to bray these habits or change any of them. He let them sit there and build up before they got to overwhelming. You have to handle things as they come and have some sort if guide to how you want it to go, otherwise you will become completely lost.

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