Thursday, November 17, 2011

WIntergirls Reflection

      I finished Wintergirls on this past Tuesday. Overall it is probably one of my favorite books. Now that I have read it for a second time I spent a lot of time focusing in on the little descriptions in the book. I think for me and a lot of people i know who have read it, I didn't quite understand what happened towards the end of the book. Everything got very hazy and mystical. You couldn't tell whether or not Lia was alive or dead or what was going on at all. When I got to this point I read it very slowly and carefully. It's quite scary but at the same time it's absolutely beautiful. The way she describes Lia while she's dying is amazing. You never know exactly what's going on or how she got there which I think is what really confused me the first time. But after reading it again that's how I think the author wanted you to feel. She wanted you to be able to be on the same page as Lia in what was going on because she (Lia) didn't know either.
      I think that the way Anderson ended the book really fell into context with all the characters. Lia needed to be fixed and realize what was going on with her. She needed to prove to Emma that she would be fine. She also needed to find a way tog et rid of Cassie's ghost. The way she put all these things in one mix at the end of the book was very interesting seeing as Lia's thoughts always seemed to be mixed and jumbled. I think the plot,writing style and characters of the book really make it worth reading.

1 comment:

  1. It seems like you really took the time to understand your book, instead of just racing through it to get to the end. It seems like you were very patient with all of the wild things that were happening, and in the end, I guess it payed off.
