Thursday, May 17, 2012

Coming of Age Novel: The Perks of Being a Wallflower

I think this book was a perfect choice for this unit. He was instantly relatable in every way. After his friend died he didn't really have anyone to turn too. Also, he seemed to notice the people who in high school had known hint he year before and talked to him and now, don't at all. That's something very common that happens, even in middle school I think. He  talked about this one girl that he used to be sort of friends with, she was really smart a kinda of pretty but when she got to high school her body matured and now she acts completely stupid around other boys and doesn't say hi to Charlie (my main character) anymore. I think that's one really stupid things girls sometimes due in high school. Dumbing yourself down isn't cute.

There is a scene where he is telling his friends Patrick and Sam about how at a party of his brother's these kids came into his room and were making out. Apparently they were in "love" he then described the things the boy was forcing the girl to do to him. After they were all quiet and Charlie said, "He raped her didn't he?" Patrick then nodded yes. This was one of the first times he went from innocence to knowledge. he understood what had happened that night and it was sick. He saw the boy and felt a sudden hate for him but him and the same girl were still together. They were still "in love". I think that for Charlie realizing that this happened even in his school really matured him. I think he knew these things happened but now he was very aware and disgusted by them. 

I also think for Charlie it's good that he has his really close friends Patrick and Sam who are older than him. I feel like when you're maturing and going through all this new stuff you need a really good team of friends that you like and trust and if you do it can be an amazing experience. I think for the most part everything Charlie has learned from them has really been a great help. I think if you don't have a good group of friends when you're coming of age it all seems very scary and you feel all alone. 

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