Thursday, February 16, 2012

Sonnet (Untitled)

One of the most beloved in her life ever
You left an empty feeling in her heart
You had something they never could sever
You melted away and now you’re apart
She watched you go through all the tough harsh pain
But she couldn’t do a thing to help you
She thinks about it again and again
She’s awfully scared and knows not what to do

The little girl you taught so many things
She’s lost and only memories can help
Ever since those last lonely nights of spring
With all her desperate cries, screams, and yelps

And maybe soon she will finally dream
Then forget her troubles and childhood screams

Monday, February 6, 2012

2 Poems (3rd in post before)

What is Poetry?
Poetry is the wildest of storms
twisting words and letters

It is fire
lashing and whipping thoughts

It is the cool waters
calming your senses

And it is the wind
whisking you away
to other worlds
of unknown things

What happens to a dream deferred? 
Does it melt away like ice and snow

Or fall like a feather to the ground?

Does it sit like a watched pot and never boil?

Or does it stand proudly
at the end of a long tunnel

Maybe it piles up
because there is no space

And soon enough,
it will just be


Thursday, February 2, 2012

New York Office by Edward Hopper

Edward Hopper was born in 1882 in Nyack New York.  He unlike most artists of his time, was a realist. People were starting to do abstract paintings but it never seemed to interest him. He studied art in New York City and his teacher Robert Henri taught him to like around there lives and to capture and see what life really was. (pg.12-13) Hopper loved this idea, something other artists didn’t want to do. Even when he went to Paris and saw some of the most amazing modern art he wasn’t very impressed with any of it. So he kept painting everyday things. (Edward Hopper by Mike Venezia)

Even though the painting above is simply of a girl at an office window I feel it is quite mysterious. The shadows and lightening of the piece give it that mystery. There are so many things for you to wonder about her. Is she happy standing there working? What could be going through her head? Is she stuck waiting for something interesting to happen feeling lost and alone.You won't ever know that's the thing, you are left to believe what ever you want but not knowing adds to the sense of mystery.

I think the coloring of the painting really helps set the mood too. The dark grays and black with very dim lighting, the use of blues and grays for the shadows is very depressing and bland yet so beautiful. I feel that if the office were bright and colorful you would not get the sense on loneliness and longing for something new, at least I wouldn’t. Even the windows of the other building are darkened and black instead of light. One thing I also noticed is how she is kind of the only light thing in the picture. I think she acts as the beacon of hope the shining light for everyone else, even though she doesn’t seem very content.

The shadows holding her in
Hiding behind her done hair
And icey blue dress
She is soft
She is caring
She is lost and alone
Waiting to be whisked away
To be torn out and found
Long gone from the dreary
Boring people
Longing for excitement
But until it comes she is stuck.